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Every Tuesday, check my blog for tips and tricks that assist voice actors, vocalists, public speakers, spoken word poets and the like.

Today's #TopTipTuesday Tip: Exercise your body to prime your voice!

Now, you might be thinking, "Oh Andia, you're a Fitness Professional, of course you're going to recommend exercise any chance you get." Though that may be true, here are some other facts about physical exercise:

- Develops stamina and strength (important for those long recording sessions)

- Trains conscious diaphragmatic breathing (proper breath support enhances vocalization)

- Enhances posture (posture and performance go hand in hand)

- Promotes innovation and creativity (think fast twitch thinking and script analysis)

- Assists in warm-up for the body, mind and vocal chords prior to recording

Hope this tip proves useful - let me know your favorite exercise or vocal warm-up! Also, feel free to leave comments and questions and you could be featured!

Talking to you live and direct,

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