Mission of the Lunar Sparrow
There's been a lot of talk about space lately. If you're into it, I invite you to take a listen to our new audio drama "Mission of the...
Everywhere You Want to Be
I’ve never before believed in synchronicity to this extreme. It is truly my guiding principle— for the little and not so little things in...
An Emmy, y'all!
Honored to lend my voice to this Emmy winning PSA campaign. What a way to begin Q3! Talking to you live and direct, Andia
Do. The. Work.
Worked hard this year. I mean: I. Worked. HARD. Recorded in state-of-the-art studios but also in closets (lots and lots of closets),...
Y: The Last Man
New work for #YTheLastMan and FX Networks. Coming to you on September 13th #FXonHULU Talking to you live and direct, Andia
Yeah...those are some things...that I did.
Joined Daren Lake on his podcast #DLakeCreates and we went in depth re: "curiosity," adventure, fitness, golf, voiceover and --well-- all...